For this Linked In Live- Joe DeSena, CEO and Founder of Spartan Race, and I spoke about the importance of 4 key things to think about in today's economy when it relates to your career.
Build a value statement- this is more than your resume, it is what value you bring to your current employer or potential employer. If you are not making a company money, saving a company money, or saving lives, you are expendable.
Build a personal brand- It has never been easier to build a personal brand. You can be up and running on any platform in a matter of minutes. Don't be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone. This is the time to build the blog, podcast, or video series.
Reach out- There has never been a better time to reach out to game changers in your industry. They have time, are willing to talk and if you can add value, it can build your business for when we come out this
Stay Healthy- It is super important to get out and move. If you can't get outside, be creative with in house workouts. Make sure you eating healthy and building your immune system. But if you can, make sure you get outside and get some fresh air, you will be glad you did.
If you have any questions, email me at