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  • Writer's pictureKen Lubin


Time is our most precious resource—and the one we waste the most.

Have you ever noticed the people who seem to be waiting for life to happen? They’re all around us. They complain about how hard things are, lament about their sports team losing, and expect good fortune to come their way without effort. Whether it’s waiting for a promotion they haven’t earned or hoping to win the lottery, they’re not living—they’re just waiting. Waiting for life to pass them by. Waiting to die.

On the other hand, successful people take charge. They hold themselves accountable, use every minute to become faster, smarter, and better. They embrace “NET” time—No Extra Time—by listening to audiobooks while driving, keeping their running shoes in the car, and making every moment count. They know time is their only real asset, and any minute wasted is a chance for someone else to get ahead.

What can you do right now to start living the life you want? Everything can change in a moment—if you have the courage to act.


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