Born and raised in Queens and Manhattan.
Worked on a fishing boat above the arctic circle after college.
Left college for a year to take a survival course in Kenya - stuck around Africa for a year with a book bag full of clothes - Zaire, Congo, Camaroon, etc.
Caught cerebral malaria while there but came down with it in Egypt - evacuated to Israel for medical care by the US embassy. Crazy story.
Founded and operated the Church St Boxing Gym in NYC in 1997 running it until 2014. Worked with everyone - Felix Trinidad, Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, Brittney Spears - lots of celebrities.
Founded longest running fight series in North America - Friday Night Fights, from 1997 until -Feb 2020 (Covid).
Started broadcasting with the UFC in 2018 from the US. That same year did a test from Thailand and in 2019 did a big deal with them to broadcast a lot more.
Once established in Thailand - we picked up rights to lots of other stuff - often going places without any contacts at all and literally just showing up. Including bringing my son to many of these initial forays.