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Rob Sleamaker walked into the American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) World Clinic with an unconventional new product. It was the Vasa Trainer, a swim bench that unknowingly would change dryland swim training forever. Already an acclaimed exercise physiologist and author, Rob had seen the effects of intensely focused dry land training firsthand with Olympic level Nordic skiers & biathletes — but would the world’s most respected swim coaches be interested in training their swimmers outside of the pool on such a device?
The answer was a resounding YES. By the end of the conference, we had unknowingly taken orders from three legendary U.S. Olympic swim coaches—Richard Quick, Nort Thornton and Richard Shoulberg. The great coincidence was for many years, each coach had wanted a training tool like the Vasa Trainer.
By 1992, swimmers of all abilities, including many that made the U.S. Swim team, were using the Vasa Trainer for dedicated dryland workouts.